The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey offers Supervision Meetings via Zoom to support counselors in their effort to become nationally certified gambling counselors. This is a free service provided to those who are pursuing the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board (IGCCB) certification. In order to become internationally certified as a gambling counselor, a minimum of four hours of case presentation time (via Supervision Meetings) is required.
Meetings are available to counselors who have completed a state approved gambling specific training, (Click here for-30 hour virtual gambling training course) and are designed to meet the requirements for Board Approved Clinical Consultation (BACC) hours as required by IGCCB.
Supervision meetings are held once monthly and last for one hour. Those pursuing IGCCB certification are required to attend these meetings for at least four hours. This requirement is part of the guidelines used by the BACC’s to confirm to the IGCCB that the candidate seeking certification has demonstrated competence and skill with gambling specific screening assessments, treatment planning, restitution planning, group work, family and individual work with gambling treatment strategies etc.
**Please note: While four hours of case management presentation via monthly Supervision Meetings is the minimum number of hours required by the IGCCB in order to complete national certification, attendees are encouraged to continue participating in these meetings to gain additional experience, while also having the opportunity to share case examples with peers and provide and receive feedback on treatment approaches.*
Upcoming 2025 Trainings: Friday, March 7th 2025
Topic: BACC Supervision w/ Jody
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 883 3436 6377
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