As the most popular sport in the world, soccer brings hundreds of millions of eyes to the global competition stage every four years. With 64 of the world’s top teams coming together and competing against each other, more people have become interested and involved with the sport than ever before. With this explosion in interest in the product, sportsbooks worldwide will look to capitalize and offer a wide range of betting opportunities for new and seasoned gamblers.
With prop bets, parlays, and enticing promotions luring people into betting on these hotly contested matches, one question arises: Could betting on global soccer put you at risk of developing a gambling problem?
The Allure of Betting on Soccer
When it comes to international soccer leagues, nations around the world host leagues featuring players at the top of their game, participating in gripping and intense matches on a regular basis. As these world tournaments bring new eyes to the product, more people may become enticed to continue bettering on the game after their initial exposure.
With lengthy seasons, a wide range of international tournaments, and an easier entry point into betting on games, the risk increases that you may develop a gambling problem.
The Rise of Online Sports Betting Advertising
No matter the sporting event, when any major tournament, playoff, or championship comes up on the calendar, you can expect to see online sports betting ads come out in droves. These ads showcase how easy it is to place a bet with the promise of a no-risk bet and guarantees of a win.
These ads help bring new users into the ecosystem with new promotions and promises of big payouts. However, the one big loss is always around the corner, bringing you into the problem gambler’s logical fallacy and feedback loop that leads them to chase their next big win to make up for it. As soccer takes the world’s grandest stage, the rise of these ads can prove difficult to ignore and lull people into a potential gambling problem.
How to Tell if Your Soccer Gambling Has Become Problematic
Knowing when you have crossed the threshold of a casual gambler into the world of problem gambling can prove difficult from your limited perspective. When it’s happening to you, our minds have already been rewritten, and it’s hard to separate the happy feelings you now associate with placing a bet and the potential dangers. However, you or loved ones can identify when that line has been crossed by looking out for the following signs:
- Becoming preoccupied with gambling
- Needing to put more money on the line to get the same thrill
- Trying to curb your habits without success
- Restlessness and irritability when you try to cut back
- Continually chasing losses
- Lying about your habits
- Sacrificing your responsibilities and relationships to gamble
- Asking for loans to cover your losses
Get the Help You Need With 800-GAMBLER!
Whether you have fallen into sports gambling in Freehold, NJ, through betting on major soccer tournaments, or wanted to try a different sport to change your luck, online gambling on soccer doesn’t have to define your experience. Getting the help you need to cut back on gambling on sports is easier than you may think, thanks to the resources offered by 800-GAMBLER.
Our free and confidential 24/7 helpline can offer you the support and assistance you need to get your gambling problem under control. Whether it’s online sports betting or casino gambling in Freehold, NJ, we can provide the support you need to get on the road to recovery today. If you or someone you love has developed a problem gambling habit, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help today!