Taking control over your problem gambling behavior involves a lot more than simply walking out of a casino or deleting an app. After all, gambling isn’t just about money or having fun — it can become an overwhelming experience that can consume thoughts, create intense psychological pressures, and lead to combative and aversive emotional states. That’s why whether you’ve just started your recovery journey or have been attending GA meetings for years, building your emotional regulation skills is critical.
Here are four strategies for addressing difficulties in emotion regulation to tuck in your recovery toolbox!
Emotional Regulation: A Quick Look
Not sure what emotional regulation is or how it can affect those with gambling problems? A recent study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine states that “emotion regulation requires metacognitive awareness of one’s current emotional state and involves implementation of effective problem solving or acceptance/coping strategies.” In other words, while the complex relationship between problem gambling urges and your mental state can be difficult to understand, working to understand your thoughts and emotional responses can be seriously worthwhile.
Tempted by Impulsive Gambling Behavior? Try the STOP Technique!
Championed by many in the world of clinical psychology, the STOP technique is a powerful four-step emotional regulation strategy that provides an immediate intervention when problem gambling urges arise. Here’s what to do when you start feeling those familiar negative emotions:
- S: Stop! Purposefully bring your current thought process or action to a halt.
- T: Take a breath. Use deep breathing to calm your physiological response.
- O: Observe. Mindfully examine the potential causes of your emotional dysregulation, including triggers, thoughts, and gambling motives.
- P: Proceed mindfully. Choose a deliberate, constructive response that is positively related to your goals.
For some problem gamblers, this technique interrupts the automatic emotional response associated with gambling behaviors. Instead of acting impulsively, you are creating a moment of conscious emotional awareness. For example, if you feel the urge to engage in problem gambling behaviors after a stressful work day, the STOP technique helps you recognize the feeling, breathe through it, and choose a healthier coping mechanism like calling a friend or going for a walk.
Emotional Labeling: “Name to Tame”
Emotional labeling is a neuroscientifically-backed emotional regulation strategy that reduces the intensity of difficult emotions. By precisely naming what you’re feeling, you create psychological distance and reduce the emotion’s power over your behavior. This can be especially effective for people struggling with mental disorders that cause other difficulties in emotion regulation (see also: our pieces on ADHD and gambling problems and depressive symptoms and gambling problems).
When experiencing an urge to engage in problematic gambling behaviors, take a moment to specifically identify the emotional impact you are experiencing. Are you feeling anxious? Frustrated? Lonely? Bored? What are the problem gambling motives that are coming to mind? For instance, instead of immediately seeking gambling as an escape, you might say to yourself, “I’m feeling anxious about my financial situation because of all the money spent gambling that I want to get back.” This simple, emotionally vulnerable act can diminish the power of the feelings and help problem gamblers choose more constructive responses.
Struggling With Emotional Distress? Build Your Distress Tolerance Skills
Distress tolerance involves developing the capacity to experience uncomfortable or otherwise distressing emotions without resorting to harmful behaviors. This strategy acknowledges that emotional discomfort is a natural part of life and can be managed without resorting to problem gambling. Key distress tolerance techniques include:
- Grounding exercises that connect you to the present moment
- Developing and using specific coping strategies for negative emotional states, such as those used in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Progressive muscle relaxation to release physical tension and provide emotional clarity
- Visualization of calm, peaceful scenarios
- Engaging in brief, intense physical activities to shift emotional states
The goal is not to eliminate difficult emotions but to build the psychological muscle to experience them without being overwhelmed. By developing your distress tolerance skills, you gradually increase your ability to sit with emotional distress without seeking escape through problem gambling.
Dwelling on Negative Emotions? Take Time to Cultivate Positivity
While managing negative emotions is crucial for individuals with gambling problems, cultivating positive emotions is just as important. This emotional regulation strategy focuses on intentionally creating moments of joy, connection, and meaning that naturally reduce the appeal of gambling behaviors. The following strategies can increase positive emotions and help you resolve difficulties in emotional regulation:
- Scheduling regular activities that bring genuine happiness
- Developing meaningful relationships and social connections
- Setting and pursuing personal growth goals
- Practicing gratitude and mindfulness
- Exploring new hobbies and interests
By consistently investing in experiences that generate positive emotions, you create a rich emotional landscape that gambling cannot compete with. Each positive experience becomes a building block of emotional resilience.
Healing Can Start Here
These emotional regulation strategies are powerful, but implementing them can be challenging. You don’t have to navigate this path alone. At 800-GAMBLER, our toll-free helpline is open 24/7 and is completely confidential. Our professional team can help you develop personalized strategies, provide ongoing support, and find help meetings near you or online. So don’t wait to take the first step today — call 800-GAMBLER or use our online chat function. Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, and every moment is an opportunity for positive change!